African Sunset
Kimberly Smith
Growing up surrounded by many talents (musicians, painters, jacks of all trades), I am driven by inspiration and challenges. At a young age, I loved to draw, but only recently embraced a passion for painting, something my grandfather was particularly talented in.
In 2020, with the many unnecessary murders of innocent African Americans across the country, I found myself overwhelmingly saddened and frustrated. It was clear the importance of getting involved to bring awareness of the racism that still continues against people of color. Soon after, I stumbled across Eighteen Forward's mission on the day of the art proposal deadline and was so grateful to be given the opportunity to display my piece on the letter 'K'.
With so much history in Wilmington, NC, this contribution is to remind our community how far we've come, and as the African sunset will always fall to the West towards the beautiful city of Wilmington, love too will never fail to prevail.
(Tap the Image to take a better look!)